Wednesday 16 October 2019

How much does a miracle cost

Tess, a sweet little girl, went to her bedroom and pulled out her saving box that was hidden in some secret place, and began to count all the money she had. One dollar and eleven cents. She counted them twice and thrice to get sure there was nothing less or more.

Keeping the coins carefully in her pocket she went out silently to a nearby drugstore. The pharmacist was very busy talking with his brother from Chicago.

"Excuse me!" she murmured in a soft voice but the pharmacist didn't pay any attention. She waited for a while and again cleared her throat with a disgusting sound. Still there was no effect on the pharmacist. Now she was desperate. She took out all her coins and banged them on the counter.

"Hey little girl, what happened? What do you want?" said the pharmacist in an annoyed mood. "I'm talking with my brother from Chicago who has come after so many years."

"Well, my brother is very sick... I want to buy a miracle..." she said in the same tone.

The pharmacist was amazed at her words. "What... what do you mean?" he asked her in surprise.

"My brother is really sick. Something bad is growing inside his head. My parents say only a miracle can save his life." she said. "How much does a miracle cost?"

The pharmacist softened his voice and said l, "I am very sorry. We don't sell miracles here."

"Oh sir," said Tess, "I have the money to pay for it. Please tell me how much it costs."

The pharmacist's brother was watching all this. He politely asked the girl what kind of miracle she needed.

"I don't know!", she replied with tears in her eyes. "Mom says he needs an operation but Dad can't pay for it. I want to use my money."

"How much money do you have?", asked the pharmacist's brother.

"One dollar and eleven cents, sir!" she replied twinkling her wet eyes.

The man said smiling, "Wow, what a coincidence! The price of a miracle is exactly the same --- one dollar and eleven cents." He caught the girl by her hand and told her that he wanted to see her brother and meet her parents. He further said that he wanted to check if he had a right miracle for her brother or not.

The man was no other but a neuro-surgeon himself. He took no charge for the operation. Tess's brother got recovered soon and came back home again. Tess and her parents were very happy. They admitted that it was really a miracle. But it was only Tess who knew how much a miracle costs.


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